Thursday 26 March 2015

【愛爾蘭資訊】Easter Rising, O'Connell Street將會回到100年前

愛爾蘭語言學校~NED Training Centre


Easter 星期一 6號4月2015年,位於都柏林的O'Connell Street將會在在當天把你帶到100年前的愛爾蘭。這戶外活動是為了紀念1916年的百年慶典 —— Easter Rising,復活節起義。

Easter Rising ,對愛爾蘭來說,是非常重要的一個歷史記載。這起義雖然只維持了6天,但愛爾蘭人從不支持他們,到同情,一直到最後支持革命。是愛爾蘭人企圖從英國統治獲得獨立的嘗試。雖然這起義失敗了,但這為愛爾蘭之後的獨立戰爭打好了非常強的基礎。

這由 Patrick Pearse領導的IRB(Irish Republican Brotherhood),和james Connolly領導的 愛爾蘭國民軍( Transport and General Workers Union 帶領150人佔領都柏林的重要據點,在GPO(現在的愛爾蘭郵政局總部)宣讀[愛爾蘭共和宣言] ( The Proclamation Of the Irish Republic),並宣布愛爾蘭共和國成立。6天之後,起義領袖被送軍事法庭處死。雖然這起義失敗了,但意義上來所並沒完全失敗。愛爾蘭民族性格是非常的強,他們經歷了一次又一次的抗鬥,他們那不屈服的精神,殘酷鎮壓更讓人們最求獨立的意志更堅定。這復活節起義被認為是通往愛爾蘭共和國的最終成立道路上的一塊重要的里程碑。

這些只是這起義的基本概念。現在我們回到2015年4月6號 O'Connell Street的“回到從前”的活動。當天愛爾蘭將會為你呈現百年的景色,將會有150人裝扮成那時候的模樣,老爺車,旋轉木馬,等等。就是要把你帶到100年前的都柏林。這戶外步行活動將會在早上 11am至下午5pm。

【English Version】

Dublin O'Connell Street will be taken back a century on Easter Monday, as a massive outdoor history event kicks off the build up to the 1916 centenar celebrations, Easter Rising.

On Easter Monday in 1916, 150 men walked out of a trade union headquarter in Dublin and then marched their wa into history. They were drawn from a number of groups including the Irish Volunteer Force and Irish Citizens Army.

They were not very well trained and they were even less well armed but their action were to transform Ireland for ever. At the head of this motley force were Patrick Pearse of the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), and James Connolly of the Transport and General Workers Union.

The plan ws for several group to take control of key buildings throughout and Proclaim an independent republic. When they arrived in GPO on Sackyille Street (later renamed as O'Connell Street). Connolly suddenly gave the order to charge and his troops storms the building. They quickly took control.

Once inside they took down the British Union Flag and replaced it with two others: one was a plain green flag with the inscription, Irish Republic, and the other was the tricolour of green,white and orange that would later become Ireland's National Flag.

Patrick Pearse then read the Proclamation,declaring that they were now the Government of a new independent Ireland. The Easter Rising only happened in six day, and most of the leaders were executed following Courts-Martial。

Here is just a brief History introduced. Now we come back to 6th April 2015 O'Connell Street Bring-you-Back-to-Last-Time Event. The Road to The Rising Event will see the capital's main thoroughfare, a major site for battles in 1916, will be pedestrianised between 11am and 5pm on the bank holiday, there will be vintage car, 150 actors in period dress,carousels, and there will be various family friendly and enjoyable event held throughout the day.

For more information  please have a look here.

部分資料來源:Wikipedia, IrelandCalling, DublinTown


讓NED Training Centre 協助你打開新生活之門
NED Training Centre, 都柏林

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